The News Agents podcastThe News Agents1.
Newscast podcastNewscast2.
Today in Focus podcastToday in Focus3.
FT News Briefing podcastFT News Briefing4.
Global News PodcastGlobal News Podcast5.
The Daily T podcastThe Daily T6.
The Daily podcastThe Daily7.
The Economist PodcastsEconomist Podcasts8.
All In with Chris Hayes podcastAll In with Chris Hayes9.
Armstrong & Getty On Demand podcastArmstrong & Getty On Demand10.
Bannon`s War Room podcastBannon`s War Room11.
Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis podcastBill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis12.
Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar podcastBreaking Points with Krystal and Saagar13.
Consider This from NPR podcastConsider This from NPR14.
Deadline: White House podcastDeadline: White House15.
Morning Brew Daily podcastMorning Brew Daily16.
Morning Joe podcastMorning Joe17.
Morning Wire podcastMorning Wire18.
NPR News Now podcastNPR News Now19.
Post Reports podcastPost Reports20.
Red Eye Radio podcastRed Eye Radio21.
Start Here podcastStart Here22.
State of Ukraine podcastState of Ukraine23.
The Beat with Ari Melber podcastThe Beat with Ari Melber24.
The Ben Shapiro Show podcastThe Ben Shapiro Show25.
The Bulwark PodcastThe Bulwark Podcast26.
The Charlie Kirk Show podcastThe Charlie Kirk Show27.
The Daily Signal PodcastThe Daily Signal Podcast28.
The Duran PodcastThe Duran Podcast29.
The Gerry Callahan Show / Newsmax Radio podcastThe Gerry Callahan Show / Newsmax Radio30.

The best Daily News podcasts UK

In a world where news travels faster than ever, the daily news podcasts that you will find in this collection are a great option to stay informed. These podcasts cover a wide range of topics, from global politics to local events, in formats that cater to everyone’s schedule. From editorials to bulletins or quick updates, there’s surely a podcast to match your needs. Let’s review some of them.

Breaking news, trending topics and commentary

The most popular and reputable daily news podcast, The Daily from The New York Times, touches on current affairs with a focus on investigative journalism to better understand the most significant stories of today. You will listen to interviews with top reporters and correspondents who have firsthand knowledge of the events and bring a rich, immersive experience beyond the headlines. On the other hand, Up First, from NPR, condenses the top news into a brief format, perfect for morning updates to start your day fully informed.

If you like to follow international affairs, turn to the Global News Podcast (BBC), which has top coverage of complex global issues, making them accessible to all. Last but not least, whether political analysis or cultural happenings, podcasts like Today, Explained (Vox) and Consider This (NPR) offer a wide range of topics in easy-to-follow episodes.

Now you know it: The best way to stay updated in today’s speedy world is to listen to podcasts.