The Telepathy Tapes podcast1.The Telepathy TapesKy Dickens

Lex Fridman Podcast2.Lex Fridman PodcastLex Fridman

Startalk podcast3.StartalkNeil deGrasse Tyson

16 Sunsets podcast4.16 SunsetsAntica Productions

3 Body Podcast5.3 Body PodcastNetflix

A Life More Wild podcast6.A Life More Wild18Sixty

Big Cat Conversations podcast7.Big Cat ConversationsRick Minter

Black Earth Podcast8.Black Earth PodcastMarion Atieno Osieyo

Breakthroughs podcast9.BreakthroughsPfizer

Create the Future podcast10.Create the FutureQueen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering

Fed with Chris van Tulleken podcast11.Fed with Chris van TullekenBBC

Great Mysteries of Physics podcast12.Great Mysteries of PhysicsThe Conversation

Here's Hoping with Jayda G podcast13.Here’s Hoping with Jayda GJayda G

Human Intelligence podcast14.Human IntelligenceBBC Radio 4

Movers and Shakers: a podcast about life with Parkinson's15.Movers and Shakers: a podcast about life with Parkinson’sPodot

Mysteries of Science podcast16.Mysteries of ScienceCiaran and Dan

Naturebang podcast17.NaturebangBBC

Oceans: Life Under Water podcast18.Oceans: Life Under WaterCrowd Network, Anna Staufenberg and Steve Jones

Physics World Weekly Podcast19.Physics World Weekly PodcastPhysics World

Prompted by Nature podcast20.Prompted by NatureHelen Forester

Rare Earth podcast21.Rare EarthBBC

Science Weekly podcast22.Science WeeklyThe Guardian

Science Will Win podcast23.Science Will WinPfizer

Stephen Fry's Inside Your Mind podcast24.Stephen Fry’s Inside Your MindAudible

Talk of the Thames podcast25.Talk of the ThamesThames Estuary Partnership

The Bearded Tit‘s Podcast26.The Bearded Tit‘s PodcastJack Perks

The Casual Birder Podcast27.The Casual Birder PodcastSuzy Buttress

The Cows Are Mad podcast28.The Cows Are MadBBC

The Curious Cases of Rutherford & Fry podcast29.The Curious Cases of Rutherford & FryDr Adam Rutherford and Dr Hannah Fry

The Gift podcast30.The GiftBBC Radio 4

The paeds round - from RCPCH and Medisense podcast31.The paeds round – from RCPCH and MedisenseRoyal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

The Planet Earth Podcast32.The Planet Earth PodcastBBC

The Sociable Dog Podcast33.The Sociable Dog PodcastSociable Dog

The Studies Show podcast34.The Studies ShowTom Chivers and Stuart Ritchie

The We Society podcast35.The We SocietyAcSS

Unearthed - Nature needs us podcast36.Unearthed – Nature needs usRoyal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Waterlands podcast37.WaterlandsWildfowl & Wetlands Trust

Why Do We Do That? podcast38.Why Do We Do That?BBC Radio 4

Why? podcast39.Why?Podmasters

Yeti podcast40.YetiBBC Radio 4

19 Keys Presents High Level Conversations podcast41.19 Keys Presents High Level ConversationsEYL Network

A Field Guide to Gay Animals podcast42.A Field Guide to Gay AnimalsDoubleDouble Podcasts

Ask a spaceman podcast43.Ask a spacemanPaul M. Sutter

Astronomy cast podcast44.Astronomy castFraser Cain and Pamela Gay

Bad Seeds podcast45.Bad SeedsiHeart

Believe: Paranormal & UFO Podcast46.Believe: Paranormal & UFO PodcastKade Moir, Acast

Big Ideas Lab podcast47.Big Ideas

Brains On! podcast48.Brains On! Science podcast for kidsMolly Bloom

Bret Weinstein | DarkHorse Podcast49.Bret Weinstein | DarkHorse PodcastBret Weinstein

Bring Birds Back podcast50.Bring Birds BackBirdNote

The best Science podcasts UK

This category is extensive, and it has all the best science podcasts in the UK and worldwide. From astronomy to nature, there are podcasts about science for everyone. All scientific topics and aspects of life are covered by them. The easygoing nature of the hosts makes these programs the go-to resources whenever one wants to learn science. Some focus on one issue, while others have an array of topics they dig into.

Contrary to popular belief, not all science-related things are severe and no-nonsense. Some of these shows are hilarious, and the presenters, sometimes comedians, deliver in humorous ways. Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy by Sean Carrol is an excellent example of a program that offers general science knowledge.

Physics podcasts are found here as well. Lovers of physics, teachers, and students have a place to get endless content that will enrich their knowledge of the subject. Physics experts and enthusiasts are invited to the shows, and they help the hosts deliver content on the great matter. Topics such as the origin of the universe and other forces are covered. The latest breakthroughs, news, and innovations from scientists all over the globe are talked about as well. All-time greats, such as Physics World’s Weekly Podcast, are found here.

There are programs about chemistry that offer content on chemistry-related topics; they cut across the chemical world from the table of elements to bonding between atoms. A good example is Chemistry in its element, which is hosted by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Nature podcasts are also available here. They cover both nature and earth sciences as well. Emerging issues such as global warming and climate change are vital components of these shows, while wildlife, food security, trees, carbon emissions, and birding are also exciting topics covered. In addition, some classics are found here, such as TED Climate, which talks about the planet as it is and how it was.

Among the BBC podcasts about science, you will hear stories from great doctors and their experiences, connecting you with medics and medical science experts. Human anatomy is also a great topic that is touched on by these programs.

Last but not least, there are astronomy podcasts that explore the universe. The astrophysicists hosting some of these shows endeavour to present astronomical concepts in friendly methods and terms. Complex topics are broken down into simple language understandable to all listeners.

Space exploration has become a contentious issue in recent times. Corporations from all over the world and governments are all scrambling to visit space. As a result, the space podcasts are dedicated to keeping you abreast with issues revolving around space exploration. These podcasts about space are plentifull, and they offer top-notch content.

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