Assassinating Peter Robinson: How an IRA hired hitman almost took out the DUP hardliner. With Unionist historian Aaron Edwards. Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning

More about Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning

Fiona McCann from The Irish Times had some intelligent insights about the new podcast Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning, and she's spot on. McCann chats about these old hands having a laugh and taking the mick out of everything from sports to how people gab nowadays. But, she reckons, "For the most part, they're in relative agreement: you'll be familiar with the 'discourse has taken a nosedive' school of thought".

McCann nails it when she points out how these two are quick to brush off hefty topics. 

But McCann gives them the thumbs up when they start rabbiting on about politics. She rates it as "when Brolly in particular brings his personal context to the conversation... it's smart and heartfelt and fascinating listening". Their straight talking, no mud-slinging chat makes this podcast worth a listen.

It's a belter of a review that gets to the heart of the podcast, showing us why a bit of natter is more than acceptable.