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Chameleon: The Michigan Plot focuses on the FBI's investigation into a group accused of plotting to abduct Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Ken Bensinger and Jessica Garrison offer a weekly deep dive, presenting unheard audio that raises questions about the true nature of the threat. Was this a serious terrorist conspiracy or just talk among extremists? The podcast invites you to sift through the evidence and decide for yourself. It's a thought-provoking look at a case that reflects America's deep divisions.
But there's more to listen to. In the previous season, Chameleon: Scam Likely you will learn how innocent people were taken advantage of by scam callers. Hosted by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, this podcast is full of information. It will have you on the edge of your seat trying to figure out who is behind these crimes. You'll be captivated by the stories of those who lost everything. But there is more: the investigators who stopped at nothing to bring the scammers to justice are as interesting.
In The Chameleon: Wild Boys, award-winning comedian journalist Sam Mullins travels back to 2003. So what exactly happened during that year? Back then, two half-starved young men turned up in a small Canadian town telling a wild and unbelievable story of survival. The two grew up in the British Columbia Wilderness, and that appearance was their first contact ever with society and modern civilization.
The Chameleon: Wild Boys story follows a strange twist of events when it turns out the brothers are not who they claim to be. This case turns the small Sam Mullin’s hometown upside-down.
Chameleon: The Michigan Plot is a true crime podcast by Campside Media / Sony Music Entertainment.
Host: Ken Bensinger and Jessica Garrison
Country: United States
Episodes count: 151
Frequency: Weekly
Country: United States
Episodes count: 151
Frequency: Weekly
09-09-2024 00:04:20 07-08-2024 00:02:46 07-08-2024 00:02:46 05-08-2024 00:38:46 05-08-2024 00:38:46Show all episodes