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The Pubcast, explores the chaotic world of British politics while keeping things light and relatable. Hosted by Oli Dugmore, Ava Santina, and Ed Campbell, their witty banter makes complex issues digestible and fun. The Pubcast is the perfect blend of serious analysis, featuring distinguished thinkers and the candidness of after-work conversations.
Pubcast is a politics podcast by PoliticsJOE.
Host: Oli Dugmore, Ava Santina, and Ed Campbell
Country: United Kingdom
Episodes count: 238
Average duration: 40'
Frequency: Several times a week
Country: United Kingdom
Episodes count: 238
Average duration: 40'
Frequency: Several times a week
yesterday (12-09-2024) 29:27 11-09-2024 42:32 09-09-2024 49:59 07-09-2024 37:12 04-09-2024 38:55Show all episodes