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"Knowledge Fight" is a hilarious podcast based on the critical analysis of "The Alex Jones Show." In every episode, hosts Dan and Jordan dissect the day's clips from the scandalous show, attempting to decipher the often-bizarre content. Through their sharp commentary and humor, they shed light on the dangerous rhetoric and conspiracy theories promoted by Jones and his guests. The podcast is entertaining and informative, offering an insightful look into the world of alternative media and its impact on society.Â
Knowledge Fight is a comedy podcast by Knowledge Fight.
Host: Dan and Jordan
Country: United States
Episodes count: 981
Average duration: 90’
Frequency: Twice a week
Producer: Podimo
Country: United States
Episodes count: 981
Average duration: 90’
Frequency: Twice a week
Producer: Podimo
yesterday (11-09-2024) 01:42:39 06-09-2024 02:02:43 02-09-2024 01:25:23 30-08-2024 01:38:48 26-08-2024 01:36:52Show all episodes